Leso's load of AU's Wiki

explaining everything normaln't in my vocabulary that isnt nicknames

[something]n't = not [something]. (example: normaln't = not normal)

shard pile = mass shattering. usually only used in the literal sense though

flop to the floor / do the flop = die. first one can also mean literally flopping to the floor. it all depends on the context

Loyal doggo / dogger = perfectly generic 101% loyalist gem (yes it's my stupid jokes about the fact that dogs are generally loyal af all over again). can also be used in literal sense if referring to an actual dog

Commit Pink Diamond = either cease to exist, leave someone somewhere for a shitload of time, fake your death and fuckoff or wreck a half or someone’s face. depends on context lol

6000 years = a shitload of time. literally only exists just to be a SU reference

Elitesimp = some idiot that simps for an elite gem.

Diamondsimp = same as above except the idiot simps for a diamond instead. (yes it's a yet another offensive nickname for loyalist gems lmfao)

Yeet [person] into afterlife = kill [person].

Yeet [person] off existence = kill [person].

Dream world experience = the shit someone witnesses when dreaming. the person's dreams basically

(This) [Person/Thing] is/are a sapphire = when someone predicts something

[Whatever body part] gem placement spam = when someone makes far too many gem characters who have their gemstones located on their [whatever body part]. (e.g. Chest gem placement spam = something i do on a daily basis when someone makes far too many gem characters who have their gemstones located on their chests)

[Terraformer gemtype] something = fuck the something up via terraforming the shit out of it. the specific type of terraforming depends on mentioned gemtype

idr / ider / idfr / idefr = i don't remember / i don't even remember / i don't fucking remember / i don't even fucking remember

my memory is dead = i'm bad at remembering things / i forgot something that happpened very recently / i forgot something that is generally physically impossible to forget

physically impossible = impossible but slightly amplified

dropkick = usually 'get rid of', 'send to / away from' or 'add somewhere / to something' . literal sense happens too

Cross-AU = either some united thing stretched out across several AU's (e.g. "Cross-AU renegade pearl gang (i actually said that somewhere once)" = the whole entirety of rebel pearls in this AU, this AU and this AU.) or an AU that mixes two alredy existing worlds together (e.g. a Slime Rancher/Steven Universe Cross-AU = an AU that mixes Slime Rancher with Steven Universe).
